Friday, 1 June 2018

Επικαιροποίηση Ρεμπέτικου

"REMBETIKO" ... (KOSTAS FERRIS MOVIE - FULL) I Τι καλά θα ήτανε να δείχνανε, να βλέπαμε και να παραμυθιαζόμασταν με ταινίες σαν κι αυτές, παρά με τις ανοησίες των μεταμοντέρνων επιχειρήσεων θεάματος, ήτοι των ριάλιτι και άλλων ανούσιων κι ανοήτων τηλεοπτικών διαγωνισμών!!
This is the special edition (2004) digitally remastered version of the Kostas Ferris masterpiece "REMBETIKO". The highly acclaimed and award winning movie was originally filmed in 1983. A powerful and evocative movie with a brilliant musical score by well known composer Stavros Xarhakos it was produced and directed by Kostas Ferris and written by Kostas Ferris and Sotiria Leonardou who also plays the lead role of Marika - who's life the film is based on.

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