Saturday, 27 November 2010

Towards a final Conflict Resolution? General Political Elections in Bosnia i Herzegovina 2010: Results’ appraisal and consequences


An IAPSS Monthly Online Magazine
Volume 6: Issue 37
January 2011

Call for articles
Towards a final Conflict Resolution?
General Political Elections in Bosnia i Herzegovina 2010:
Results’ appraisal and consequences

Editorial Board 2010-2011
-Editor: Gabriela MARZONETTO
-Editor: Vasilis KILIARIS
Attention: New E-Mail address
Deadline: 30 December 2010

The IAPSS Online Magazine "A Different View" editor’s team has the honor to announce an open call for articles for the 2nd Issue for this academic calendar year 2010-2011.

The topic of the ADV January 2011 Issue is:
Towards a final Conflict Resolution? General Political Elections in Bosnia i Herzegovina 2010: Results’ appraisal and consequences

Since the ADV is a monthly online magazine, inter alia should be composed by national events that have an international impact. Such an event is the general elections in BiH that were held in 3 October 2010.

Last month, on 3 October 2010, in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) were held very crucial and important parliamentary and presidential elections. These general elections, circa 15 years since the 1995 Dayton Accords and the peace agreement bringing an end to the devastating Bosnia intra-state war, it's a crucial marking point for the future of the BiH political entity itself. The democratic enhancement and justice implementation, the continuity of stability and security, the economic prosperity and development and the further international integration of BiH in International Organizations such as the EU and the NATO, are core issues seeking for an answer. Presenting your critical approach on the results of the general elections in BiH and their impacts on the above mentioned points regarding the future of BiH, based on the inductive method, would potentially lead students to similar analysis for other frozen conflicts with multi-national populations and even further into comparative studies. Definitely your contribution would illuminate this dark place in the European continent, the frozen conflict in BiH.

For a more advanced research you are asked to examine the inter-relation between the concept Ethnicity and the Electoral procedure. The people of BiH voted separately for the BiH presidency, central and entities' parliaments (Serbians, Croats and Bosniaks), the president and vice-president of Republika Srspska (Serbians), as well as for the new members of the assemblies of the Federation of BiH's ten cantons (Croats and Bosniaks). Bearing in mind the division of voting along ethnic lines, analyze this model of electoral procedure in multi-ethnic societies and its outcome on interethnic and entity differences (and/or vice-versa).

Last but not least you may submit your articles using the comparative approach, by means of frozen conflict issues from all over the world in comparison with the BiH current situation in order to support your position.

To summarize, this issue aims to illuminate this dark place in the European continent, the frozen conflict in BiH, to reveal its current issues seeking for an answer and potentially lead students to similar analysis for other frozen conflicts with multi-national populations and even further into comparative studies.

Your academic perspective and observations could be invaluable in achieving the aforementioned aspiration. Please do not hesitate to submit your opinion, academic or dialogue article for publishment on the upcoming ADV!

For more information regarding the IAPSS ADV online Magazine and its Technical specifications for articles bear in mind the information given in the last page of this call for articles or visit

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